My friends back in Cebu keep on asking me if I miss Cebu already. It is not Cebu - the place that I miss but the friends that I have great memories with. The song, In My Life by the Beatles is playing in my head right now and sums it all up. Going back to the topic, no, I don't miss Cebu yet but I know the feeling will sneak up unexpectedly and reduce me into a puddle of tears. What keeps me from missing home and home will always be Cebu, is the surreal beauty of Dutch Harbor. It is just the novelty of it all that keeps me from missing home.
What I can do without though are the 80mph winds that literally rock the car back and forth or the blizzards that so suddenly come and make you instinctively grip the steering wheel more tightly because you can't see the road. The weather makes my heart pound so fast that no exercise has ever done! I know I will get used to it eventually but hopefully I won't find the weather mundane because what else would I be excited about, no?
Dutch Harbor is also where you will find the "police blotter read around the world". It is often described as the "police blotter that makes for Great Alaska literature". You have to read it to believe it. I came across this last 2009 when my hubby moved here. You can find the archives at and the latest police beat news at It will put a smile on your face!